My family!
Well, Graduation Day has come and gone! It was such an AWESOME feeling to be sitting among all of the graduates! I had such an overwhelming since of pride and accomplishment! It was unbelievable! I had my phone with me throughout the ceremony, I text my brother, Kurt, and told him how now I understood why he did it THREE times!! Ole Dr. Dinkle ... just laughed! Me, my mom, and Dr. Dinkle (haha)
I started my day very very anxious, but calmed down on the ride to the Montange Center! Ben's brother, Ryan drove me so I wouldn't have to drive! I then went and found my friend, Jayme Grisham, and took some pictures with her and then waited and waited ! It seemed like forever and then we all started to line up to grace the audience with our presence! LOL! It started to get rowdy ... lots of cheering and whooping.. it was so fun!! We walked out and I found all of my family (Kurt text me to tell me where they were), it brought tears to my eyes to see the girls standing in their seats to wave at Momma!! So awesome! The ceremony began!!!
Brooklyn, Me, Blake, and Hally
Brooklyn and Me!
The speaker was really good! Not boring!! Then it was time for all of us to stand and turn our tassels!! WOOOO HOOOO it was great!!! Then they asked all of the graduates to keep standing! Mr. Simmons talked about how college was very different for each graduate including the amount of time it took them to finish whether it be taking time off or having a family or coming back after years of working.... so then he said he wanted the graduates that took four years from the time they graduated high school to sit down... and they did ... he went on to five... and six... and seven... and eight... and nine.. and ten ... and eleven .. and twelve... and FINALLY AT THIRTEEN I got to sit down... it was so funny and emotional at the same time! Then it was time for the College of Business to cross the stage and get their DEGREE!!! It was one of the greatest moments and proudest moments! I walked back to my seat ... or FLOATED waving to all my family and friends!!
Lanny, Me, and My Mom!
Patty, Me and My Dad!!
The ceremony ended and I walked out to take pictures with everyone!! It was a great great morning! Then we took off to the crawfish boil and celebration!!!
Fun in the sun!!